Monday, 22 December 2008

A helpers perspective...

Tuesday the 16th December, my Hilton Church day. Not Homegroup this morning, but helping to serve teas to 70 or so adults who came to church to experience 30 3&4 year olds from Hilton School Nursery present the Christmas story. It was quite delightful, a privilege to be there.
The occasion was calm, superbly organised by Catriona Patton & her team of Nursery staff, suitably & discreetly dressed-up too! The children said & sung their parts magnificently.

Hilton Primary School is tops in my book, catering for around 400 children aged 3-12, families, extended folk; it reaches upwards of 2000 people in the Hilton community. Hilton Church enjoys an excellent relationship with Hilton School through Duncan, our minister, Chris, our children's & youth worker, Colm, the Family project worker, Catriona Patton, nursery teacher.

However, there is loads of straightforward serving to be done by ordinary folk like you & me. The Nursery Nativity was a short, one-hour daytime event.
I don't know how many of those smiling faces had ever been in Hilton Church before........ It was warm, comfortable, pleasant and easy.

OK, you have a daytime JOB.
There are 2 early evening clubs, to which Hilton Primary children come, they need supporting. MYC- Monday Youth Club is for P6-7. HYPOP on Fridays, for P1-5, has Bible teaching, songs & games. Both clubs run 2 sessions per month, 6-7pm.(approx.)
They happen in school term time. So, if you helped at one, its LESS THAN 1 hour a week.

What for? To serve God. To be light & salt in the Hilton community. To show Jesus' love. So that God will gather his children into his kingdom. To help Chris. Outreach. Mission. To be a growing church............

You get excellent Child Protection training at Hilton Church.
Chris will explain what he would like you to do at each session- and if he doesn't, ASK!

Chris Watt can be contacted at church Tel: 01463 233310; Speak to him. Please don't leave this to someone else or wait for him to try to persuade you. I believe that we are all called to be witnesses for Christ. And its EASY!!

Pam Clark.

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