Saturday, 29 January 2011

Leadership Team

Every once in a while, we try and get some extended time together as a Leadership team (kirk session) to share together and pray. We spent the morning together in the Lighthouse and then had lunch. We have several new members on the team - Alan Brown, Stuart Macquarrie, Jo Whillis, Ken Walker and Mike Robertson, so in some respects it feels like an entirely new team. We had a very encouraging morning together. The main outcome of the time together was a commitment to meet regularly as a team to share meals and fellowship together. There is a general consensus that we need to model as a leadership, a deeper level of fellowship and sharing. We used to share meals together as a leadership, almost every time we met, but for a variety of reasons this hasn't been a regular feature of our gatherings for some years. I think in every church, there are a variety of seasons, and I'm looking forward to this season of deeper fellowship amongst the leadership team.

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