Friday, 7 January 2011

beyond the energy crunch

Transition Black Isle’s next major event, ‘Beyond the Energy Crunch’ will take place on Friday 14th January at 7.30 pm at Fortrose Community Theatre. This will be a high profile event which will take a Question Time format. It will be chaired by Louise Batchelor and feature a panel of our well known local personalities as listed below.

We hope that lots of people will be able to come along so please put the date in your diary now. I have attached a poster so that you can put it up at your local haunts or give copies to friends and family. We have always found that the successful promotion of these events works best by word of mouth so please could you forward this e-mail to anyone on your contact list that you think might be interested.

The success of this event depends on pre-submitted questions from the audience to the panel. We are specifically looking for questions that promote discussion on increasing the resilience of the Black Isle after the era of cheap oil and in the context of carbon emissions reductions and climate change. Your questions should be sent to by 10th January. If you submit a question we will let you know if it has been selected to be put to the panel on the night.

The event is free and there will be refreshments available on the night.

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