Thursday, 23 September 2010


The Exchange Factor
connecting globally and locally
Saturday 30th October, 2010
Hilton Church, Inverness
11.00am until 3.30pm
(Doors will be open from 9.30am for those who need to set up.)

This event is aimed especially at people involved in world church activities in their congregation, but is open to anyone who would be interested.
Keynote speaker: The Very Rev Dr Andrew McLellan
Convener, Church of Scotland World Mission Council

Workshops These will cover various issues relevant to supporting the world church in your congregation
‘Marketplace’ What in the world is your church doing?
Bring along a ‘stall’ and show others.
Be inspired and challenged by others from the area.

Lunch will be provided. Cost £5.00 per person.

If you would like to attend, please send the registration form overleaf to: Audrey Grahame, or e-mail her:
(This will help us to know numbers for catering purposes)
Payment can be made by cheque to ‘The Church of Scotland’, or you can pay on the day.

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