Thursday, 7 January 2010

St Columba's new charge

I went to a fellowship meal last night for people (and their families) who are involved in the planning for the new St Columba congregation. The evening was organised by Murray and Laura McCheyne, and basically involved a meal and time to relax together. It's quite amazing how a meal changes the whole atmosphere and dynamic of any meeting. No wonder the early church was so enthusiastic about it! My reflection from last night was that in our culture we should be continually looking for as many opportunities as possible to share meals together - meals in which we are constantly seeking to invite not just our friends , but also the stranger. "I was a stranger and you invited me in" (Matthew 25 v35).
I keep saying this, but I'll say it again! This is a really exciting opportunity to be involved in something new and hopefully quite experimental and innovative in terms of establishing a new church. Perhaps you're looking for/need a challenge in your life to excite and stretch you? Why not have a word with Murray to see about ways in which you could be involved in supporting this new outreach.

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