Wednesday, 20 January 2010

small groups 1

I have spent part of this morning doing some work in relation to a special service on Sunday evening. We are hoping to highlight the significance and the benefits of being part of a smaller group within a larger Christian community like Hilton Church. We have around 10 homegroups which meet at various times and locations,ranging in size from about 5 to 25! One group has grown so large, that they are currently working out how to split into 2 or maybe 3 smaller groups. The groups are generally based around fellowship, pastoral care, prayer and bible study. Most of the groups regularly share meals together and at various points they will engage in common tasks of service. Some of the groups, for example, helped to paint the Light house. For those who are reading this post from the groups, it would be good to have some comments about other aspects of homegroups. Do any of the groups have a particular leaning towards some particular activity or outreach?
Here's one church, St Thomas's in Sheffield. I spent time there two years ago, and experienced there model of church which is built around cell, cluster and celebration. St Thomas' is the largest church in the north of England, and there practice of church has evolved over a period of 30 years. So no quick fixes!

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