On Sunday evening , John MacLeod was preaching from Mark 1 on Jesus' declaration that "The kingdom of God is near!" He recalled a time several years ago, when he was asked to speak at a leaders meeting in South India. He had prepared his talk, but felt led at the beginning of his address to ask the people to share on "What signs they saw of God's kingdom and the Holy Spirit at work in their ministries." John told us that he didn't have to share any further, because of the number of people who came to the front and testified to what they saw the Holy Spirit doing in their midst.
It led me to think about all the various homegroups and small groups meeting across Hilton Church. If I was to ask the question on Sunday evening - "what signs are you seeing of God's kingdom and the Holy Spirit at work amongst you?" I'm wondering whether I would be met with the kind of response John experienced in India. Perhaps I'll need to try it, so that I can find out!
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