Monday, 9 March 2009


Here's a note from Christians in Sport which may be of interest to all the sporty folk around Hilton:

Just a wee reminder about this Wednesday's (11th March) Pray Play Say (PPS) group in Inverness. It would be great if you and your young people could make it along.

These groups are designed to help young people represent Jesus in the way that they play their sport - to equip them to make a difference, to encourage them in their love for Jesus and desire to make him known, and to provide a place for them to excel in their friendships and sport.

Do check out the website ( for more details of PPS groups.

The Inverness group meets at Millburn Academy (Diriebught Road, Inverness, IV2 3QR) from 7.00-9.00pm, and is led by myself and volunteers of Christians in Sport's youth department. Young people should come ready to play sport and bring a bible if they can.

Hope they can make it.

Best wishes

Kirsten Ross

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