Thursday, 5 March 2009

Cholera in Inverness!

Cholera in Inverness! Yes, but the year was 1832! There is a fascinating article in this week's Courier about this outbreak. The feature is linked to research for a Masters degree done by Janet Guthrie from our congregation.A report on Wednesday August 29th, 1832 stated: "The disease has been confined chiefly to unfavourable situations in Church Street, the Glebe, Maggot and Chapel Street." While cholera may be a matter of history for Inverness, it is a daily reality for many countries around the world.
"To date more than 3000 people have died since August last year as a result of the cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe.Figures show there have been more than 66,000 cases in what is described as the worst outbreak in Zimbabwe's history.The disease has spread because of a collapse in the country's health services and water sanitation."

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