Sunday, 16 November 2008


It's been a long but very memorable Sunday. It began before 9am. An hour before the service, the band were already in the church going through the songs for the morning. Chris and Iain were busy getting the sound and the AV sorted and Norma was through in the kitchen preparing all the flasks for hospitality after the services. We have so many people at Hilton who work hard behind the scenes to ensure that everything runs smoothly. This is Guild Week, so members of the Guild played a significant part in the morning together with presenting a cheque for £1000 to Gwen Barlow for the Lighthouse. (picture below)This was the first day that the Lighthouse was open for the various groups in the church to use, so it was fitting that our preacher was Gwen who spoke from Psalm 101 and Matthew 25 v30-41. She highlighted the values which would be expected of anyone who was involved in the Lighthouse and the priority and significance of social action and concern. The Lighthouse is to be a Centre for others, a place which we pray will be a beacon of light and hope for the community of Hilton and beyond.
I left the church tonight at 8.35pm after an outstanding service. David Whillis was preaching on that not so well known minor prophet Zephaniah. Our series - Stoning the Prophets - has taken us to pretty new territory and we have all learnt a great deal about a part of Scripture which is seldom preached from.
We seem to be going through a very busy time at Hilton Church these days. We had so many people there this morning that we had to take in extra chairs. It's a bit of a squeeze until the childrens group leave. This is a problem we are glad to have!

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