Tuesday, 20 October 2009


For the last 6 months we have been operating without a treasurer at Hilton Church. Despite an on going search, we have drawn a blank with finding anyone who feels willing or able to serve in this capacity. We are very grateful to Jean Barron who has been working hard in the background to keep things in order while we find a solution to this difficult situation. Perhaps this is an area where we can nolonger look to a volunteer or volunteers to share in this work. The downside of not having it done voluntarily is that we will probably have to employ someone to do the job, which will have a clear knock on impact on our budgets. Money that could be spent on mission will be spent on accountancy.This is clearly a scenario which is causing me some measure of stress. All my bright ideas to date have drawn a blank!We have appointed a small working group to try and find a solution to this situation. We would be grateful for your prayers and any constructive suggestions.

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