Thursday, 29 October 2009


For much of the last decade, Hilton Church has been close to capacity in terms of the numbers attending sunday morning worship. Over the past year, it seems to have been even busier, with children and even latecomers often having to find a space on the floor, until the sunday club begins. Over the last few years, we have tried an early morning service twice, and then a second service at 11.30am. None of these initiatives have had the hoped for outcome of providing extra space at the main service. I was chatting this over with a couple of friends over lunch, and I think we need to really give this some serious prayer and thought over the coming months. It can't be right to simply continue as we are, but what do we do? This post is by way of an encouragement for you to think about the situation and perhaps dream a few dreams. Several years ago, we thought about planting a new congregation in a different part of the Parish. With an abundance of people with gifts at Hilton, perhaps now is the time to be thinking about such a movement?

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