Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Supporting Lloyds TSB Foundation

Dear Colleagues

The future of Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland

Most of you will now be aware that the Lloyds TSB Foundation has announced that it will be suspending grant-making for the foreseeable future. Current awards will be honoured for the duration of their funding period and a final round of grants will be made in December for current applicants. If you are in receipt of funding from the Foundation you will by now have received a letter from Mary Craig, Chief Executive, explaining the situation and asking for your support. The loss of funding from Lloyds TSB Foundation is a significant blow to the voluntary sector at an already difficult time. Even if you are not currently in receipt of funding it is quite possible that Lloyds TSB would be featuring in your thinking as a possible future funder. Mary Craig is looking for support to challenge the actions of the Lloyds Banking Group and, if you would like to lend your support, the link below will take you to an SCVO webpage which suggests the action you can take and gives a link to a letter template which you could use.

I will be writing on behalf of the Parish Development Fund in support of the Foundation.

With best wishes and kind regards


Graham Lumb
Parish Development Fund Co-ordinator
The Church of Scotland
121 George Street

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