Saturday 12 September 2009

Ten films to help you talk about gender

It's Late Saturday afternoon and I'm putting the finishing touches to some reflections on Proverbs 1 for tomorrow. The frustration is that there is so much one could say, but so little time to say it in. In the final analysis, the most I can hope for is that my reflection serves as a conversation starter. It's striking that according to the writer of proverbs wisdom is in short supply.
How was it possible for so many people to ignore the voice of Wisdom?
Could it be that Wisdom's voice was masked by the loud din of competing voices?
Which voices shout louder than Wisdom's in our contemporary society?
How can we listen more closely for Wisdom's voice in our daily lives?
I'm also struck by the fact that Wisdom in the Proverbs has a feminine gender. Perhaps I can provoke some discussion on this theme tomorrow. I found this link which could be a good basis for increasing understanding and wisdom in this realm.

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