Tuesday 22 September 2009

A day in the life of the Lighthouse!

I arrived this morning at 8.30am to find Williamson the Fruiterers delivering the supplies for the day to the Lighthouse. Five minutes later, the Tree surgeon arrived and began to work on felling 4 trees which needed to be removed. Two of the trees were obstructing the light to one of the neighbouring houses. The other trees were occupying the space we need for the large shed in the garden. We plan to relocate the shed and develop the garden as an additional space for the Lighthouse and church. There was a steady stream of patrons for the cafe throughout the day, and it was especially encouraging to see Laura and Alison helping as volunteers. We are slowly beginning to build up a strong team of volunteers to help Michelle. I have done a couple of sessions helping in the Lighthouse recently and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It is very encouraging and rewarding to be able to serve and share with so many people from the surrounding area who are now using the cafe.

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