Monday 14 January 2008

Garfield Weston Foundation

Over the past few weeks I've submitted around 10 applications to various Trust Funds seeking to secure funding for the redevelopment of the old manse. It has been an interesting experience. The Garfield Weston Foundation are one of the Foundations which we are looking to tap into. They have got back to me over Christmas and are looking for a photo of the church and the manse to provide to their Trustees. This is one of the photos I have offered. It got me thinking. This afternoon I read this story on the BBC website about Christians in China. Their reality is very different from ours but one thing that connected me to my brothers and sisters in China through reading their story and filling in endless forms was the inevitability that God's Kingdom will come and His will will be done both in Hilton as well as on the other side of the world. This is some comfort when I get news that one of our applications went missing in the post over Christmas and we missed the deadline for submissions!!!!!

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