Thursday, 6 December 2007

Vision, Risk, Excitement, Praise

The title of this post gives but a few words which were spoken this evening during our Hilton Project prayer meeting. What an exciting time to be at Hilton, what a great time to be a Christian in our community, what a privilege to serve and step out in Faith. We heard about money raised so far, the hurdles overcome, the progress on many fronts, the VISION we share for the premises and all through a calling to serve as Christ served. In a strange way I felt a real tangible link back to the journey that Joseph and Mary took to Bethlehem as we continue in Advent. Joseph and Mary had a tough journey ahead with difficulties and disappointments. But what a blessing at the end in the birth of our Saviour. We're on a journey with the Hilton Community project and all present this evening caught a glimpse of the power of our collective calling to serve as Christ served. Exciting times indeed. Come, join the journey, be part of the ups, the downs and the realisation that Christ is breaking into Hilton in a powerful way.

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