Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Christmas Frenzy

Today Chris Watt and I were doing the Christmas assemblies at Inverness Royal Academy. Last night, we were at the annual P7 Dance at Hilton Primary School and tomorrow, Chris will be taking the assemblies there. Yesterday, Catriona Patton had all the Nursery Classes from Hilton School in the church for a Nativity service. The church was packed for both services, morning and afternoon, and it was good to be able to offer hospitality to all the families who attended. Thanks to all those who helped with serving. On Saturday, we will be at the Eastgate Centre carol singing from 10 -12 noon, raising funds for the Vine Trust, and on Sunday evening, we are having a carol service for Kabale, which we hope will raise funds for Laurence and Mairi's work in Uganda. All in all it is a very full on time, but also a very exciting one, as we celebrate in many public spaces, the birth of Jesus, the Saviour of the World.

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