Saturday 15 December 2007

Music For Lesotho

Can you picture it? It's Friday evening and you've had a busy week. You've had your meal and you sit down and already you feel your eyes getting heavy and then a head pops in and says,
'Remember we're going out tonight'.
'I told you half a dozen times. We're going to the Music for Lesotho concert at the church.'
'Right. I had forgotten,' I replied enthusuastically!
In the car. 'I hope it's good. Julie was saying that not that many tickets have been sold.'
At the church, 'Gosh, there's a lot of cars!'
In the church, 'Gosh, there's a lot of people and I don't recognise half the faces!'
Not a great classical music fan I sat down and still a bit sceptical awaited to endure whatever was to come. What was to come was the most amazing and beautiful mix of music and song and poetry performed to the very highest standard. Such was the quality I was absorbed, enthralled and any other superlative you can think of. The tiredness fell away and I could feel my spirit soar...the power of good music. One song in particular, 'Wonder Child' was utterly enchanting and I was surely not the only one to feel my eyes beginning to fill up.
Anyway this is to say thank you to Julie Keen for organising a great concert and to all who gave their time and talents for a wonderful cause. A thoroughly enjoyable evening and lots of dosh raised for the Orphanage in Lesotho.

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