Wednesday 28 September 2011

Sundays changing @ hilton & the lighthouse

You can read about some of the changes here and here. We hope to have the lighthouse cafe open on Sunday evenings for 7 weeks, so we can increase the level of opportunities for service,fellowship, sharing and hospitality. We will probably experiment with 5-8pm and make some changes as we go along depending on how it all goes.

To do this, we need volunteers to help with the lighthouse kitchen and serving drinks and cakes. Can you help. If you can, please email me at

We are also going to run a Christianity Explored Course (6.15pm - 7.30pm) which you can find out more about below. To run this, I need a few folk who can be helpers on the course. If you have been a Christian for a year or two, or even a bit or much longer, I would love it if you would consider helping out on the course. Email me if you would like to help.

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