Sunday, 25 January 2009

Worship Team Event

Elaine Watt does an outstanding job of co-ordinating the many and varied aspects of worship within Hilton Church. On Saturday, she led a morning for the worship bands and all the teams linked to the sound desk and av. There was some very positive feedback about the day from many of the people participating. Below are a few reflections from Elaine related to worship.
My simple aim in worship is to come and meet with God.

This meeting with God involves a two way communication. We speak or minister to God and our desire is that He would, in return, speak or minister to us.

With this simple aim over-arching our thoughts, many of the folks involved in leading worship Sunday by Sunday met together today to consider how we as a whole church can do this better. We considered what the essential elements of leading worship are spiritually and practically, what we currently do well, what needs more work and how we might do things differently to address the things that need more work. We spent some time in prayer with God and then playing and singing to God.

We have such a wealth of talent in Hilton Church and I for one am so grateful for every one of the very committed people who serve week by week. I am so encouraged by the level of thinking about our worship that everyone contributed from the youngest teenager to the oldest musicians and singers.

So, the key question that we must come back to week by week is does our leading of worship allow everyone, including us, to meet with God?

And for all of God's people reading this, perhaps the following story that we considered today offers something for us to think about. Click here to read story

Saturday, 24 January, 2009

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