Saturday 17 January 2009

finishing touches

I'm just putting the finishing touches to my preparation for Sunday morning. I am really enjoying the discipline of preaching from the weekly lectionary readings. Tomorrow we are looking at John 1 (Jesus' call to Philip and Nathaniel), 1 samuel 3 (God's call to Samuel), Psalm 139 (I hear on the grapevine that we may have accompaniment from the Northumbrian pipes for singing from this psalm tomorrow) and finally 1 Corinthians 6. This is a passage which has some pretty direct teaching from Paul on sexual morality. The main focus of my sermon will be on the call of God from Samuel and John, but the reading from Corinthians is something that we can't afford to ignore. Living as we do in a very sexualised culture, we need to think very seriously about these issues in terms of biblical teaching.I think I'll try and come back to it soon. I have baptisms on each of the next 3 Sundays. Tomorrow, Erica, daughter of Laurence and Carolyn Cload will be baptised.

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