Thursday, 4 September 2008


There is a lot of talk about emerging church in Scotland today. Our cafe services together with initiatives like the new Centre are all aimed at seeking to provide space for new expressions of faith and worship to emerge. It is clear that many traditional expressions of worship nolonger connect with the majority of people today. Rob & Gwen Barlow have been a big factor in this emerging church development at Hilton. Rob came to do a 6 month placement with us in 2005 and stayed for 3 years! As well as doing his probationary year at the Church of Scotland in Beauly, he is also doing all the required academic training for ministry at HTC. He has a busy year ahead of him. In his "spare time", along with Gwen, he is also working on a number of iniatives linked to cafe church. You can read all about it by looking at their very impressive website SERMON VIDEOS.

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