Tuesday, 27 March 2007


"....prayer produces such a change in us as renders it consistent for God to do as it would not be consistent for Him to do otherwise." Charles Finney.

Encouraging words about what God can do in our lives through prayer.

The first time of group prayer took place in the church between 7 and 8am with five of us present. The hour went past really fast, as we prayed in particular for the work of the Congregational Board, the Stated Anual Meeting tonight and the plans for the re-development of the former manse next door to the church. We have big challenges ahead as a Church, but then again, we serve a BIG God! The prayers were marked by a sense of thanksgiving for God's presence and power in our lives, and a desire to see more of Him in our community and church.

Five is hardly an overwheming level of attendance, which provokes me to ask the question:

what styles of prayer are most likely to be helpful in the corporate life of our church, and what can we do to enhance the depth and effectiveness of these? Prayer events are more often than not pretty sparsely attended. What can we do to grow the corporate prayer life of our fellowship?

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