Thursday 3 February 2011

renovare group

Every 2 weeks or so, I meet in a renovare group with two close friends. We have lunch, we share what is going on in our lives and we pray together. Along the way, we have also set ourselves challenges in relation to a variety of spiritual disciplines. The accountability of the group has made it much easier to follow through on these commitments. Renovare has been a great stimulus in terms of my spiritual growth and a great stress buster because of the space it provides for sharing some of the burdens and hassles of life. Men in my experience are not very good at sharing burdens, so renovare provides a very healthy outlet. I sense that many of the men I'm in touch with through Hilton Church lead very isolated lives. Most of the Ministers I know have also been brought up in a Christian tradition which doesn't encourage much depth of sharing. In the wake of another renovare group today, I write simply to highlight the blessings of such sharing through a renovare group. All you have to do is find one or two friends and make a regular time to meet. You can work out the details as you go along. If you want any advice or help in starting a group, I'm happy to help with any advice. We used the above book for the first year of our group.

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