Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Bible in One Year

By all accounts, the youth service on Sunday morning went exceptionally well. It's a big day tomorrow for many of our youth along with a variety of others within the congregation! They begin the read The Bible in One Year programme which they found out about at Soul Survivor. If you would like to join them, here are the readings for the first few days. They will appear on Jonny's blog on a daily basis.

Wednesday 1st September - Genesis 1:1-2:17; Matthew 1:1-25; Psalm 1:1-6
Thursday 2nd September - Genesis 2:18-4:16; Matthew 2:1-18; Psalm 2:1-12
Friday 3rd September - Genesis 4:17-6:22; Matthew 2:19-3:17; Psalm 3:1-8
Saturday 4th September - Genesis 7:1-9:17; Matthew 4:1-22; Proverbs 1:1-7
Sunday 5th September - Genesis 9:18-11:9; Matthew 4:23-5:20; Psalm 4:1-8

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