"The kirk sesssion (leadership) have not been able to identify anyone willing to take on leadership of the Sunday club. This being the case, Andrea Boyes and I have agreed to take on leadership on an interim basis to explore how we can do Sunday club together as a church on a basis that will enable new leaders to emerge. We have been encouraged by the amount of support we have received and the number of people who have expressed willingness to get involved. We will be using the Roots lectionary material which follows the same scripture passages as the main service, so there will be a crossover in terms of teaching. It means that parents who get involved in helping with sunday club will be learning from the same passages, possibly in a way which is more fun than the sermon! We plan to be very experimental, and as well as having a core team of helpers we will welcome the engagement and involvement of parents. We want to see whether there are ways in which we can support families in learning together. We will value your prayers, support and feedback over the coming weeks. The new format begins from next Sunday." Duncan.
"I'm looking forward to being part of sunday club in the next few months and hope that all of us, children , parents and leaders are all able to learn more about that "big book" the bible. A large part of our gospel tells us about sharing meals and friendship so part of our time will be doing just that , sharing some breakfast together and hearing a bible story as we do. It would be great to have the parents there too, help make that toast! Several people have volunteered to come and lead us in worship songs and prayers , so Im sure it will be a loud sunday morning with music to reach the highest of heavens. Games and crafts will also be part of our learning and worship (as we follow the lectionary reading), the brighter the better so for sunday club perhaps the children should bring their energy, loud voices and not their best clothes. "Andrea.