Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Hilton Church tends to operate in terms of 6 months blocks when it comes to planning for worship. This morning I am working on a plan for preaching and preachers from June to December. This plan is complicated by the fact that I am now also involved in leading Sunday Club every second Sunday morning (so I am working on that in parallel)!
At the same time, Elaine Watt is also organising the worship bands and those responsible for sound and av. We are facing a crisis in the realm of av/sound, in that we have relatively few volunteers in relation to all the services planned. It may well be that we end up with lots of blanks on the plan and just have to sort it out on an ad hoc basis. We'll keep highlighting the opportunity for service, and leave the outcomes to God to sort out. I'm quite sure there are plenty of people within our congregation who are more than capable of helping, the challenge for us is to work out how to encourage and nurture greater involvement.
On a broader level, I'm wondering whether the challenge to find volunteers is saying something to us more broadly about the shape and nature of our worship and community. Perhaps we have to look more closely at forms of worship which demand less of people in terms of doing stuff. Food for thought and prayer as we look forward to the summer months.

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