Saturday, 27 June 2009


I'm sitting here doing some preparation for the services in the morning. I'm not the only one making such preparations. Some will be preparing for Sunday Club, while others will be working on music and prayers. I wanted to highlight the theme of preparation this morning, and express gratitude for all that so many do to make our experiences on a Sunday postives ones. I also wanted to highlight the preparation of one very special lady in Hilton Church who has been preparing every Saturday for decades. At the age of 87, she still goes to Simpsons in the Market to pick up flowers every Saturday morning. She then spends a considerable time in the afternoon arranging them, ready for Sunday. But not content with that level of preparation, Norma is then in the church kitchen by 8.30am every Sunday morning to set out the various drinks, so that we can all enjoy hospitality after the Services. She then repeats the same exercise at night! I honour Norma's unique service through this post and hope that she will have many more years of good health which will enable her to continue sharing in these vital aspects of our weekly worship.

1 comment:

Albert Bogle said...

Well done Norma! I'm impressed with the level of your commitment. I can see you also enjoy doing it. If only more people would catch the bug. Serving God can be great fun.