Monday, 15 June 2009

the big picnic

As we left Inverness for Nairn on Sunday after church, there were still nagging doubts - it might not be warm enough, maybe no-one will come, what if the tide's in, will it rain? But remembering the scripture shared at the morning service, the promise was claimed - if you have faith as big as a mustard seed . . .

And God blessed us - in abundance. Just over 100 folk came to the "Big Picnic" on the East sands at Nairn, the sun shone beautifully and brightly all day, the tide was fully out when we arrived, and great merriment followed.

And now, on Monday morning, I close my eyes for a little while and images fill my mind

- a collage of colourful travel rugs, pop-up tents, picnic hampers, sun-hats.
- Races on the wet sand for the children (and not-so-little!), and my heart strings being pulled when the pre-schoolers ran towards the line with their teddies.
- the all-age-Team-challenge with buckets to fill the water containers.
- a "tide fight" with the challenge to build a strong tower against the incoming tide. I can still see Rosie and Jim standing guard over their 'creation', and Simon Thomas smiling as his castle was the last one standing!
- The biggest kids (i.e. Chris and Lewis) attempting to catch Alan and throw him in the sea!
- Meghan and Rosie's Dad encouraging the kite-flying. What a glorious sight against the clear blue sky.
- all the teddies having a shot on the parachute, and the laughter that followed.

And the enrichment that I feel? I'm sure it lies in a sharing with a thankful heart. And the way of such a heart is the way of joy - that so much has been received, and maybe (dare I say it?) much may be given.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this a very special day in the life and days of Hilton Church family.

Morag Macritchie.

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