Tuesday, 19 April 2011


I've spent much of today working out plans for Sunday morning.

On Friday evening at 8pm, we are going to be sharing in a Tenebrae service. When the service ends the room will be dark, as it was on that first Easter Friday.

Sunday is Resurrection day, so we want to celebrate that fact in many different ways. We will share food at Dores Beach after a short act of worship at 8am.

At 10am, we will gather before an empty cross, and celebrate an empty tomb. For those of you who read this post before Sunday, could I invite you to take a bright piece of fabric to tie onto the cross as part of our worship on Sunday morning.

We also hope - weather permitting - to have part of our service including a baptism, in the garden.


Brian Gunn. said...

The colourful slabs look even more effective than I thought they would.
Really nice.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything planned for Thursday evening e.g. in the upper room this year?

duncan said...

sorry, but not this year.