Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Today, I was really concious of all the work that quietly goes on in the background which is so vital. Steve was busy in the garden tidying up all the winter debris. It's work like this which will ensure that the garden is available for use this summer. In the church, John, Ken, Bob and Donald were continuing their work on the sanctuary floor. On Monday, they stripped back the polish and today they were applying a fifth coat. It looks fantastic. Then I met Jean who was printing off copies of the accounts for tonights Board and Stated anual meeting. We haven't had a treasurer for a whole year, and without Jean's meticulous book keeping we would now be in dire straits! These 3 examples are indicative of the magnificent work which quietly goes on throughout the year, and makes Hilton church such a good place to be part of. So many people are ready and willing to play their part.

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