Thursday, 26 November 2009

Learning from others

I think we are reaching an interesting and challenging phase in the life of Hilton Church. With the development of the Lighthouse and a variety of other ministries, which means that so much is going on every day of the week, it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage all this within the traditional patterns and expectations of the Church of Scotland. At the moment, I have a lot of questions and not too many answers! At times like this, it's good to look around for patterns of ministry and leadership which can perhaps give us insights as to how we can do things in a better way. I found this church website in New Zealand several weeks ago, and have found many aspects of this congregation's life very stimulating. Christchurch with Opawa and Spreydon Baptist Churches would be a really good place to spend time. I encourage you to have a look at the website, but beyond that I sense the way forward will emerge as we give ourselves more to prayer as a congregation.

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