Monday, 26 November 2007

Iain MacRitchie on Pastoral Care

Inspirational snippets from Iain MacRitchie's third and last sermon on Pastoral Care.

John 15
We need to be radically inclusive - an inclusiveness rooted in the love of God.
We are all a work in progress and we need to question our inclusivity.

We should be a radical community which is prophetic.
The prophetic voice models an alternative way and contradicts our false gods eg the shopping mall mentality.
We are not sovereign individuals and intimacy is the alternative to individualism.

Romans 12
We should be a therapeutic community where we see one another as both limited and gifted.
Modeling Godly behaviours in our community ( the church ) means that gifts are shared in a healing way.
Pastoral Care should result in God taking us from exile into a therapeutic community where we can experience deep healing for ourselves and others around us.

I found it all very challenging and thought provoking. Thanks, Iain.
By the way I like the idea of a giveaway table--I am going to think more about that one.


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