“What will help me to grow spiritually?
“What will help me to grow spiritually?
Life Streams provides practical ways to transform your life from the inside out.
During Lent there will be teaching on how to key into Life Streams, and the encouragement to find a friend or two to share in it with you.
SUNDAY 5th Feb @ 6.30pm An outline of what LIFE STREAMS is all about with Philip & Ros Noble.
SUNDAY 19th Feb @ 6.30pm A chance to experience a LIFE STREAMS group.
Our Lent Book for 2012 is called LIFE STREAMS and is available to purchase at the discount price of £5. We have 20 copies for sale, and after that you can purchase copies on line for £6-99.
Will these sessions be recorded so that folk who can't make Sunday evenings can listen as a podcast? It would be great if it was!
The session on Sunday evening will be recorded and should be available on the church web site. The second evening on 19th february will be a more practical session, so probably won't work so well in terms of a recording. If you are especially keen on exploring LIFESTREAMS it might be better if you were able to come along that evening or perhaps meet with Philip or Ros another time to talk it over.
ps if there was sufficient interest, I'm sure we can also run these sessions at other times which might work better than a Sunday evening.
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