Thursday, 2 October 2008

The LIGHT House

Hello, Gwen Barlow here to let you know that after weeks of suggestions, consideration and prayer, the new centre has been named... The LIGHT House. This is so appropriate in terms of our Christian witness being LIGHT in the community. The design and colours of the building accentuate this LIGHTness so well.
My second week in the role of manager has again seen tremendous encouragement and support for the centre. Various folk came over to the centre from Time Out on Wednesday and were impressed and buzzing with ideas for its use, 2 young mothers from the Hilton area came in and offered to volunteer to help, an elderly lady from just around the corner even dropped in for a cup of tea in the cafe (pity it's not ready yet)! Thank you to everyone who have put their names forward as volunteers.
The kitchen installation was finally completed today with the installation of the water heater and the espresso coffee machine and the chairs and tables arrived at the beginning of the week, ten sets - flat packed! Thanks to everyone to helped to assemble them!
Another few steps forward to getting the building used...
I'll continue to blog regular updates on progress and in fact, very soon The LIGHT House will have a blog all of its own.


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