Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Money Matters

In the midst of the continuing global financial meltdown how can I as an individual cope with my own finances? There are many reasons, sometimes outwith our control, which can see us in financial difficulty. So what can I do? For good practical advice here is a new web resource. www.red2black.org.uk

Children's and Youth outreach

I was speaking to someone after the service a few Sundays ago who said that they didn't really think we had a lot of children at Hilton until they all left to go to their various groups - creche, Kingdom Kids, Sunday Club and Teenscene - then suddenly the church was half full.

We have a huge amount of children around the church on a Sunday morning and a great team of folks involved in all areas of that work. We give thanks for this and pray that it would continue to grow and that these children will know the love that God has for them.

What about the outreach work to the children and young people of our community I hear you ask, how is that going? Well here is the answer: Hyphop (for P1 to P5) started back a few weeks ago and we had 37 children and it was great. MYC (Monday Youth Club for P6/7) also started back recently and we had 26 kids and it was great. The only problem is though we have a very small team of people helping with these two groups - we had five leaders at Hyphop and only two of us helping with MYC.

So, at the moment we just don't have enough people to be able to keep running these groups. At Hyphop we need at least 10 people (2 per group) and MYC needs at least three people if we are going to be getting the numbers of children we had on the first night, and I think we will, if not more.

Is this something you could help with? Please. Hyphop runs every 1st and 3rd Friday from 6pm till 7.15pm and MYC every 1st and 3rd Monday from 6pm till 7.15pm.

Please contact me if you would like more information or to say that you would love to help.

Chris Watt
Youth and Children's Worker.
Click here for contact details.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Milton Homegroup

Here is the Milton Homegroup enjoying a visit from Robyn and delightful Palesa this evening at our meeting. Robyn was able to give us a very interesting insight to her hopes and dreams and few concerns for her new life in Lesotho. One thing we were very sure about was that God was certainly working in her life and she was willing to answer that call.
We were pleased to be able to give her a donation and to assure her that she would have our prayers in the coming months and years. Thank you Robyn
Margaret Johnston


Albert Bogle is a good example of a church leader who is continually innovating and pushing the boundaries. I note on St Andrew's website, which you can read here that they now have a prayer site on line called PRAYER TWEETS. There are often very good ideas on Albert's personal blog called italker which you can read here. Albert is also the Chairman of The Vine Trust. The picture is of Albert tucking into one of Peru's speciality dishes - guinea pig! I'm afraid I just couldn't eat it!

The Year of Home Coming

Could there be a better comment on home coming than Luke 15:11 - 32? Rob Parsons has written a very readable and signifcant book on the subject called "Bringing Home the Prodigals." He says, "I have concentrated in this book on those who have children - of whatever age - who are prodigal. But of course there are many kinds of prodigal - brothers, sisters,husbands, wives and friends."

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Hilton Primary goes green.

I attended Hilton Primary School Board last night and heard all about how the school is becoming environmentally friendly. One of the learning support auxiliaries, Marie Sims (may have spelt that wrong) has put in a tremendous amount of work over the past year and a half and has already created a vegetable garden and sensory garden in the school playground.

The school is involved in a few environmental projects and we can help with one of them. They plan to build a greenhouse out of 2 litre plastic bottles, no you are not seeing things....a large greenhouse made from used plastic 2L bottles. They need another 3000 before they can start, so get collecting folks. If you have any around the house then please empty them first and bring them into the church and leave them in a box in the foyer and I can take them round to the school.

Another of their projects took place today and I tagged along and snapped some photos. 25 children from the school went out into the community this afternoon and picked up litter. What an example these children and the school are setting in doing something like this. It was brilliant. Look out for the courier on Friday as there maybe an article and a few photos. For the meantime though here are a couple of my photos. Chris

Rescue package for HBOS & RBS - but what about you and me?

"People will have to think about money in a different way. You can't spend your future before you earn it." says Alvin Hall. In the maelstrom of the current crisis what can you and I do? How shoild we think and act at a personal level? You could do no better than read the words of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 6 verses 19 to 34 about money, possessions and priorities. And Care for the Family provide some very accessible advice at www.themoneysecret.info including inviting us to read "The Money Secret" by Rob Parsons.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Learning to Listen
"In my view, one of the gretest skills that we are losing in this country is the ability to listen; there much noise and chatter but not much concentrated listening."
Sandi Toksvig BACP President. BBC Presenter.
"Learning to Listen" - is a 2 day course (1st & 8th November 10am-4pm) which can help you to understand the dynamics of good listening, its healing effects and it will hone your skills for listening in eveyday life.
Being held at Hilton Church Inverness. Pick up a brochure, call the office for more details.

Monday, 6 October 2008

The Greed Creed

I saw this cartoon critique by Jon Birch on the current global financial crisis. It was revealed today that the head of the failed Investment Bank Lehman Bros, was paid $300 milion dollars over the past 8 years. How much is the work of any one person really worth? On the day on which the Stock Exchange had its biggest fall for over 20 years, there is clearly a lot of hard questions being asked about the way the world of finance works. There are clearly going to be very hard times ahead.

Year of homecoming

Did you know that 2009 is year of homecoming. You can read all about it here. I received an interesting invitation from the Mission and Discipleship Council today. In 2009, there is a plan to hold a Film Festival called "Home movies." Films will be shown in community centres, churches and cinemas. (Perhaps we could host films in the Lighthouse?) All the films will focus on the idea of "home". Categories include, children, families, young people, adults and older people. What films would you like to nominate for such a festival that have a link with "home"? You can leave your nominations on the comments section.

Micah Challenge

Our series on the Minor Prophets - Stoning the Prophets - continued on Sunday night with a look at Micah. There is an interesting campaign linked to this minor prophet which you can read all about it here.

30 seconds or less

A meeting took place this morning to look at some plans for Christmas services. Here is an interesting challenge. A competition to tell the Christmas story in 30 seconds or less has been launched.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Songs of hope

Our worship today was marked by a deep sadness and questioning, prompted by Iona's death. Our 2 worship leaders,Stephen Hutchison and Elaine Watt helped us all so much through their choices of songs to sing. I found the following words especially helpful.

When I'm faced with anguished choice, I will listen for Your voice,
And I'll stand on ev'ry promise of Your Word.
Through this dark and troubled land
You will guide me with Your hand
As I stand on ev'ry promise of Your Word.
And You've promised to complete
Ev'ry work begun in me—
So I'll stand on ev'ry promise of Your Word.

Hope that lifts me from despair, love that casts out ev'ry fear,
As I stand on ev'ry promise of Your Word.
Not forsaken, not alone, for the Comforter has come,
And I stand on ev'ry promise of Your Word.
Grace sufficient, grace for me,
Grace for all who will believe—
We will stand on ev'ry promise of Your Word.

"Every Promise of Your Word"
Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music

Friday, 3 October 2008


I was present last night at one of the most encouraging meetings I have been at for years. It was a meeting to learn more about how we can effectively encourage/mentor/disciple the teenagers of our congregation. 20 teenagers in Hilton Church have signed up for our mentoring programme which has now been running for 1 year.Jamie Grant gave an outstanding presentation on the essence of Discipleship and we had a very valuable contribution from Drew Kuzma from Youth Inclusive. One of the key points which came across during the evening was the fact that the majority of us feel that we have never been discipled intentionally as followers of Jesus, and we don't have the kind of relationship with more mature Christians that we are seeking to establish with the teenagers. It is a fact that Discipleship has not really been on the agenda of the Church in Scotland in recent generations.

The reality, however, is that we are where we are, and it is wonderful to see such a large group (16 last night) who are committed to intentional discipleship. I believe they can be the means of completely changing the landscape in terms of discipleship at Hilton Church. Let's pray for God to bless this movement towards intentional discipleship across the generations.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

The LIGHT House

Hello, Gwen Barlow here to let you know that after weeks of suggestions, consideration and prayer, the new centre has been named... The LIGHT House. This is so appropriate in terms of our Christian witness being LIGHT in the community. The design and colours of the building accentuate this LIGHTness so well.
My second week in the role of manager has again seen tremendous encouragement and support for the centre. Various folk came over to the centre from Time Out on Wednesday and were impressed and buzzing with ideas for its use, 2 young mothers from the Hilton area came in and offered to volunteer to help, an elderly lady from just around the corner even dropped in for a cup of tea in the cafe (pity it's not ready yet)! Thank you to everyone who have put their names forward as volunteers.
The kitchen installation was finally completed today with the installation of the water heater and the espresso coffee machine and the chairs and tables arrived at the beginning of the week, ten sets - flat packed! Thanks to everyone to helped to assemble them!
Another few steps forward to getting the building used...
I'll continue to blog regular updates on progress and in fact, very soon The LIGHT House will have a blog all of its own.



Simon has been busy mullet hunting in the US of A! He has just returned and has posted some wonderful pictures of Salvation Mountain which you can find here


A few weeks ago we launched the publicity for our Life with God Weekend in November. I had some contact with Philip Noble today regarding some of the arrangements for the gathering. It is now only 7 weeks away.You can read fuller information about the weekend here I am really hoping and praying that many people from within the congregation and beyond are putting the weekend aside in their diaries.

Bana Trust

There is a great deal of activity going on in the background as Robyn and Palesa prepare to leave for Lesotho at the beginning of November. The website is currently under construction. Hopefully the Trust members will make some posts on the blog in the coming weeks.

Souled out!

Get involved! Souled Out in Inverness is looking for volunteers to help at the event taking place at the Ironworks on Saturday 1st November. This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in this exciting new event in Inverness. Volunteers must be 17+. Interested? Contact Marion Taylor.Tel: 07841718711 Email: marionctaylor@hotmail.co.uk

Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Iona died peacefully in her parents arms yesterday. There are no words really to adequately express how sad we all feel. We hold Jonathan and Susie in our prayers as they go through this time of terrible loss.
O Christ, you wept when grief is raw,
And felt for those who mourned their friend;
Come close to where we would not be
And hold us, numbed by this life's end.