Friday, 8 February 2008

The Lord Provides

This past fortnight has been a good week for the fundraising around the Hilton Cafe Project. Not only did we get good news from Highland Council and have a positive visit from The Robertson Trust, on Wednesday I received a letter from The Gannochy Trust offering us £20, 000 towards our capital costs. Things are starting to take shape on the funding front at the moment but we still have a bit to go. Pray that our efforts will bear fruit over the next few months as we tighten up on costs and get closer to the scaffolding going up. Pray also for a clear focus for us as we start to think about staffing the centre and addressing the costs around this crucial aspect of the project.
The picture for this post is a handful of Mustard seeds which I thought apt after Jamie's sermon on Sunday. The image means a lot to me as we pull together some very small ideas about the manse and hold them in our hands expecting, in faith, that they will grow into big change within our community.

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