Sunday, 23 September 2007


I wasn't leading or preaching this morning, so I had a little more time than normal to take in what was going on. I arrived early (circa 9.15am) and noticed that the old manse hedge (which has grown a bit unruly!) had been cut back. Thanks Murray for doing this. Kevin McPhee was already there getting organised for leading worship, and our church officer Mike Robertson was sorting out chairs, heating and various other important practical matters. Norma Fraser was working on the hospitality for after the service, and the welcome team arrived soon after.
Chris was in the sound desk preparing the multi media equipment and Morag Macritchie was in the large hall preparing for Sunday club. So many different people, most of them not mentioned here, working hard to get everything ready for worship at 10.30am. Today, one of our elders, David Whillis led the service based around the theme of Love from 1 Corinthians 13. A familiar passage, but one which spoke with fresh power to us, as David underlined the importance of not losing sight of our basic calling to love, as Jesus loved. Hopefully, the sermon will be on our website to listen to later this week. I came away from this morning, challenged by the message and encouraged by the sense of so many people sharing and serving together at Hilton. I count it a privilege to be part of all that is going on.

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