Monday, 2 September 2013
Bible in a year...
The other thing we did was blog everyday on each of the passages so as to create a kind of youth friendly, easy to access commentary on the entire Bible.
Well, this year I'm planning on doing the whole thing again and I want to invite anyone who wants to join me to do so. Some young people are coming along for the journey too.
I'm going to repost all the blogs from last time round, editing them where I think they need it.
It started yesterday so, if you want to try this, you've got one day of catching up to do.
Until the Youth Project website is revamped I'm posting my blogs on Facebook, so you can find them by clicking here.
Monday, 19 August 2013
This Sunday...
Thursday, 6 June 2013
- Chicken Rogan Josh
- Dum Bara Gosht (a baked beef curry)
- Kaddu Korma (a creamy butternut squash curry)
Monday, 29 April 2013
Romania fundraising
I'm putting myself through this to raise money for the summer camp in Romania that a team of our young people are running in conjunction with Carpathian Aid. Below is the link to my just giving page if you're feeling in a generous mood (which I'm sure you are!).
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Light House Cafe Assistant
Light House Cafe
Salary £6.50 per hour
Monday, 18 March 2013
The abiding presence...
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Uncovering illusions...
(Luke 5:4-5)
All of a sudden Simon knows that Jesus isn’t just a good man, a wise teacher, a dispenser of ideas or a kindly friend. Face to face with the full reality of all that Jesus is, he becomes all too aware of who really is too. In that moment, Peter feels ashamed, like Adam and Eve when they realised they were naked: “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid” (Genesis 3:10). Or like Isaiah in his vision in the heavenly throne room: ‘“woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips…”’ (Isaiah 6:5). Peter, a little more bluntly, simply blurts out, ‘“Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man’” (Luke 5:8).
When we truly encounter Christ we cannot maintain our facades of holiness, our vain attempts at charity, our continuing shortcomings. Any true encounter with Christ in his righteousness strips away the masks and illusions we put on to allow us to have our own way whilst keeping our consciences sufficiently distanced from the scrutiny of God and others.
The problem, of course, is that we desperately want these illusions about ourselves to be true. That’s why W.H. Auden can write:
But as we encounter Christ, our illusions of ourselves cannot survive.
The French painter Georges Rouault was walking past a circus caravan one evening and saw an old clown repairing his costume. What struck him was the contrast between the costume and make-up worn by the clown and the ‘infinite sadness’ that rested just below the paint. Rouault wrote, “I have seen clearly that the clown was I, was us, almost all of us… That sumptuous sequin covered costume is given to us by life, we are all clowns to a greater or lesser extent, we all wear a ‘sequin covered costume.’ But if someone surprises us as I have surprised the old clown, oh! Who would then dare say that he has not been overwhelmed, down to the pit of his stomach, by an immense pity?”
Christ surprised Simon-Peter on the shore of Lake Galilee that day and Simon-Peter was ‘overwhelmed , down to the pit of his stomach, by an immense pity.’ And he was right to be, as we all should be when face to face with Christ in his glory. But the amazing truth to hold onto this Lent is the word Jesus speaks into Simon-Peter’s moment of agonising self-awareness: “Don’t be afraid” (Luke 5:10).
In our world of illusions, masks and make-up, only Jesus has the authority to say those words at the moment of our unmasking, because he alone knows us as we really are, and yet loves us anyway! And only Christ’s love can redeem the poverty that we so desperately seek to hide. No wonder Simon-Peter ‘left everything and followed him’ (Luke 5:11).
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Pancakes with a purpose...
The desert of temptation...
But why does the journey of dsicipleship involve a journey into the desert? Many of us were taught to believe that when we decided to follow Jesus all out troubles would be over. Yet, if we want to walk in his footsteps over during Lent and beyond, they lead deep into the wilderness. You see, the desert exposes and lays bare; it exposes our vulnerability and lays bare our weakness in the face of temptation. The desert reveals the harsh reality that we are sinful but, in so doing, it also reveals our absolute dependency on God’s grace.
There are dangers in the desert… we can quickly start to dehydrate and despair can overtake us. If we’re not careful, soon we’ll dry out and allow the evil one to overcome us. Equally, we can take mercy for granted and ignore the harsh lessons that the desert teaches us. If we cheapen grace then we risk being duped by the devil who wears the ‘deceitful face of hope,’ as T.S. Eliot put it. But, if in the desert we sense our own poverty and guilt, all the while keeping the vision of Christ before us, then the desert experience will strengthen us for the journey ahead. The desert represents an encounter between our misery and God’s mercy, our guilt and his forgiveness.
Self-sufficiency is all the rage at the moment – in food, energy, finance and so on. The temptations of Christ in the desert were all designed to lure him out of his relationship with God and into a self-sufficient life. The temptation to turn stones into bread was about exercising power on his own behalf rather than trusting himself to his Father’s care. The temptation to fling himself from the pinnacle of the temple was about making use of God rather than serving him. The tempatation to rule over all the nations of the earth was about setting himself up as an idol. Each temptation is an appeal to self-sufficiency: to rely on his own devices for securing power, pleasure and position.
Each of Christ’s responses, all from the Scriptures, show that he remians faithful to his relationship with his Father. You see, sin is not just breaking a moral code but – first and foremost – the fracturing of a relationship. All temptation is a call to selfishness. If we remain faithful and obedient, as Christ did, we acknowledge that are lives are fundamentally relational. Self-sufficiency should not be all the rage for the Christian. In the desert of temptation we live either obediently within relationship to the Trinity, or alientated in the hell of our own disobedience.
In the desert we can give up or we can embrace our emptiness, vulnerability and guilt with complete trust… and find God. And in finding God we find ourselves and the strength to journey on.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
The Invitation
- The invitation
- The desert of temptation
- Uncovering illusions
- The abiding presence
- The abundance of joy
- The movement outward
- The final act
'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,and I will give you rest.
and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'
The thing is, whatever you think of icons, this one was never meant as a lovely decoration for a place of worship or as a helpful explanation of a difficult doctrine... this icon is an invitation. It is an invitation out of ourselves and into the house of God; an invitation out of fear and into love. And, with the vansihing point located in us, the perspective opens before us. What Rublev is trying to say is that, as we accept God's invitation, our life opens beyond us into the ever-widening life of the Trintiy
Lent - and, for that matter, the Christian life - begins with an invitation. It begins with the call of Christ to leave ourselves behind and follow him. George MacDonald once worte, 'Christ is the way out, and the way in: the way from slavery, conscious or unconscious, into liberty; the way from the unhomliness of things to the home we desire but do not know; the way from the stormy skirts of the Father's garments to the peace of his bosom.'
The problem is that such an invitation seems almost too good to be true and, as such, is difficult to accept. We become all too aware, like the invited guest in George Herbert's Love Bade Me Welcome, that we are 'guilty of dust and sin.' The truth is this, though, that Love does bid us welcome... he draws near to us... he takes us by the hand... he implores us to sit at his table.
The invitation is there. All we have to do is make a movement towards Christ. And every step taken toward him confirms the mystery that our journey into the community of the triune God is our journey home. My prayer, as Lent unfolds before us and as we contemplate Rublev's icon, echoes that of Steven D. Purcell: 'that we might move beyond the confines of ourselves into the life and infinite possibility of the triune God.'
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Allan McKinlay doing the lead vocals and Yvonne Lyon doing backing vocals. Other talented musicians playing!
Soon to be available on Amazon, iTiunes, Spotify, and MediaNet
Monday, 8 October 2012
Employment opportunities within the church
Hilton Parish Church
Congregational lunch
After the morning service on Sunday 4th November there's going to be a congregational lunch.
I think some people may have misunderstood the information, thinking that 'church family lunch' meant that it was a lunch for families within the church as oppossed to for everyone - single, married, with children or without - who belongs to the family of the church itself.
I hope that clarifies any misunderstanding and hopefully lots of you can make it along. All the congregational lunches I've been part of in the past heave been really enjoyable times of fellowship and getting to know one another better.
If you could indicate if you'll be bringing a dish with you (hot savoury, cold savoury or dessert) on the sign-up sheet in the church lobby that would be great.
Monday, 9 July 2012
Annie and Mark's Wedding
Congratulations to Annie, Assistant Manager at the Lighthouse, on her wedding day on Thursday, 5th July.
Soul Survivor...
If you were willing to help out with some of the driving (it's a nine seater car, just so you know) that would be great. But, other than that, it would essentially just be spending time with 23 brilliant teenagers from the church, 5000 others from across the UK and God. What more could you want?!
Oh, and maybe I ought to mention that you'll be camping!
It'll be awesome fun. Let me know if you're interested by dropping me an email ( or giving me a call (07540 168744).
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Thursday, 14 June 2012
christian vision for men
I want to let you know that the first Scottish Regional Day of the national movement Christian Vision for Men (CVM) is taking place in Inverness this June as part of the aLive Festival. It takes place on Saturday 23rd June at Culduthel Christian Centre and will run between 9.30 – 4.00pm.
I am very excited about this event, it is the first of it's kind to be held in Scotland, and it is happening right here in Inverness!
The ethos of CVM is for local men to reach local men and they want to help you to do just that. The day will feature food, music, seminars, fellowship and teaching from CVM General Director Carl Beech and will address real issues men face in today’s world. I attended one of their regional days in London last year and can highly, highly recommend the event, it is a very relaxed, enjoyable day.
Can I PLEASE ask that you consider coming along, and to encourage as many men as possible from your church or ministry to come along to this worthwhile day? Tickets (which include lunch and refreshments) are now only £15 per person but there is a saver price of £10 for bookings of 10 or more! We are also running a buy one get one free offer, so you can invite a friend for nothing! Click here to get your ticket.
You can find out more about Christian Vision for Men at and the aLive Festival at and I have also attached a booking form. If you don’t think you’re the right person to “rally” everyone together for this could you forward on to someone who may be able to and therefore ensuring the men at your church don’t miss this.
Please can I ask you to consider supporting this special Men's Day, uptake has been very low so far, and it is proving hard to encourage Christian Men to come together for an event such as this, Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank You
David Maclean
aLive Festival
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Curry House for a Cause
This should be a great night. Come along with family - invite friends - and be cooked for and waited on by the young people in the church.
The cause, just so you know, is getting all the young people down to Soul Survivor (hiring a minibus, petrol and so on) and making sure that they're fed and watered when they get there. Our funds are still a bit short for this so come along and help us out!
If you want to book a table please call me on 01463 233310 or email me at
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Friday, 11 May 2012
Saturday, 5 May 2012
ordination service
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Sunday, 29 April 2012
messy church
Our first Messy Church took place this afternoon from 4-6pm. We really didn't know what to expect, but the reality was certainly very encouraging. Elna who was administering the event counted over 100 into the building, with the vast majority of children and adults not being part of the congregation.. It was great to have so many folk from the Hilton Church and Inverness Community Church willing to help with running the event. We could probably do with even more for the next one on 24th June. There is always plenty to learn on the first day. Cooking a meal from scratch for up to 100 people in 2 hours is a major logistical achievement. Simon Varwell gets a gold star for leading the catering team so well. Highlights of the afternoon for me were seeing so many folk sharing food together in the large hall and watching all the children playing in the Lighthouse garden. A great start to Messy Church, and plenty to build on for the next one.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Afternoon Teas
Friday, 20 April 2012
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Friday, 6 April 2012
new doors

Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Jonathon's ordination
palm/passion sunday
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Friday, 23 March 2012
Hello there,
Hopefully by now you will have received programmes and information on all the events taking place as part of the aLive Festival this June. We don’t wish to clog up people’s inboxes with lots of emails and tend therefore to do most of our updating through our facebook page but as not everyone is on facebook I just wanted to highlight a couple of important things:
31st March (next Saturday) is the last date for the “early bird” prices for the Equip conference, Ladies’ Night and the Christian Vision for Men Day. Tickets will of course still be available after that date, they just cost a bit more! The Equip conference in particular has the potential to be an outstanding day. To be held at Smithton & Culloden Free Church, it is packed full of inspiring speakers, seminars and workshops and we have 18 different local and national ministries represented at the day. The whole day is aimed at “equipping” you and your church to impact your community. Please encourage as many folks as you know to book their place early. The early ticket price of £10 covers the whole day, people can stay for it all or come and go as they desire – it also include the worship evening with Dave Bilborough. Tickets are available at or CLC bookshop in Inverness.
Eden Court have now released the rear circle seats for the Keith & Kristyn Getty with Stuart Townend and New Scottish Art Choir concert on 6th June. The tickets have been selling rapidly for this event – could you please help us ensure that people are aware tickets are going fast and if they are hoping to attend should be considering purchasing their ticket soon – these are available from Eden Court box office only.
If you are a “facebooker” please do “like” our page following the link in the first paragraph of this email. This is the most effective way of keeping up to date with what’s happening. Our own website is at . If you have yet to see a programme for this year’s festival please let me know by return email and we’ll get one to you.
Kindest regards
Annette Maclean