Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Alpha Scotland 10 Cities Tour Inverness
Wednesday 7th September
7.00 – 9.15 p.m.
The Barn Church, Culloden

Alpha Scotland is out on the road aiming to bring Alpha vision and training to as many areas around the country as possible. Meet up with others who want to make Jesus the talk of Scotland - from across the church family in Inverness & beyond. The evening will include worship, testimonies, news and updates & practical equipping in all types of Alpha.
It will be ideal for those starting courses for the first time, those with more experience seeking to move up a gear or those wanting to try something new – maybe in 2012?

For more details and to book: June Munro 01463 798946

“We have been running the Alpha course for 14 years. Its relaxed, friendly format has been great for letting people in our community find out for themselves how good Jesus is.”
Quote: Rev Jim Robertson, Barn Church.

worship in the round

Worship in the Round
Kingsway Music Event
Friday 14th October 8pm
Smithton Free Church
Join us for an evening of fantastic music led by three of the UK’s top worship leaders
Ben Cantelon
Cathy Burton
Nick Herbert
For further info contact:
01463 248280


As part of our involvement in the Biblefresh initiative marking the 400th anniversary of the King James translation of the Bible, Culduthel Christian Centre is holding a Coffee Morning and Cake Stall on Saturday 17th September from 10am – 12 noon. All the proceeds raised will go to the Scottish Bible Society project for a new Bible translation for Burkina Faso. We would be very grateful if you would announce the Coffee Morning in your church and place the attached poster on a notice board. We hope many supporters of the work of the Scottish Bible Society in our churches will join with us to support this valuable project. A warm welcome is extended to all.

greenbelt 2011

I'm just back from Greenbelt 2011. An outstanding weekend with so many different experiences. I will try and share a few of the highlights over the next week. A major highlight for me yesterday, when I got home, was a hot shower and a warm comfortable bed. 3 days without a shower and 4 nights in a tent is becoming increasingly challenging! I might wimp out next year and go for a bit more comfort.

Thursday, 25 August 2011


I'm off tomorrow afternoon to Greenbelt in Cheltenham for the weekend. I will be camping on the race course for the weekend, and taking in some of the programme. Last year, there was actually frost on the ground in the mornings, so hopefully it will be a little bit warmer this year. Whatever the weather, Greenbelt is always a feast of experiences and inspiration.

car park

The area for staff parking next to the Lighthouse has become overgrown and unkempt over the past few months. A big thank you to Lorne, who regularly eats at the Lighthouse with his gardening staff. They very kindly blitzed the area in about 10 minutes. The next task now is to work out what to do with this area. Do you just keep it as grass or introduce a splash of colour with plants etc. Any ideas? I'm also delighted at the number of folk who have volunteered to help maintain the Lighthouse garden. We hope to split the garden into a number of zones and give each volunteer a specific area to maintain.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

street pastors

We had the Street Pastors Commissioning service and bbq tonight. There was a large turnout, with the Provost and a representative from the Police also sharing at the event. Doda Dennis did a sterling job in co-ordinating the event, and it was great to see many folk from the congregation helping out in a variety of ways. It was also a beautiful evening, so we were able to have the bbq in the lighthouse garden.

Friday, 19 August 2011

lighthouse garden

The garden is just about completed for Sunday. Iain Ross cut the grass last night and Brian Fraser followed that up with some extra work with his flymow on the mound. Barry Dennis and I have nearly finished the fence painting. Martin Grant is going to complete that tomorrow and James Wallace is going to clean all the hard surfaces with his power wash. It should look great for the community bbq on Sunday.

On a wider issue, there are so many tasks to do around the building. I'm going to make an effort on Sunday morning to alert the congregation to the reality of the work that requires to be done, with a view to getting a couple of evenings for folk to volunteer. With the help of a large group over a couple of days we could do so much. With the help only of the usual suspects, we will struggle to get on top of the work.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

the big silence


lighthouse garden

Sadly, the weather beat us today and we had to stop painting around noon. It was a real pity because a great squad of painters turned up, and we would probably have completed the work in 1-2 hours. As it is, we will perhaps try and get the work done again tomorrow morning. Despite the weather we have made considerable progress. We have spread 2 loads of bark, dispatched a load of rubbish to the tip and had the spaces in the fence filled in by Martin.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

lighthouse garden

Just a reminder that tomorrow we hope to get most of the work finished around the lighthouse garden. We have the paint for the garden fence and Duncan Maclauchlan has very kindly picked up a large load of bark for us today. We're also grateful to Martin Hamill who is filling in some of the gaps in the fence this afternoon. I would have taken a photo of him, if I had remmebered my camera! Hopefully the sun will shine tomorrow, or at least it won't be wet! We plan to be around the garden all day, so if you have an hour to spare it would be great to see you.

If you have an old paint brush that you can bring with you, that would be great.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

holiday club sunday

It felt as if Hilton Church was returning to normal this morning after the long summer break. The church was packed for the Holiday Club service.

community bbq

At 5pm next Sunday evening, we are having a community bbq along with street pastors. There is still quite a bit of work to be done before the garden is completed. THURSDAY is the day we are setting aside to get the work done. We will be barrrowing gravel chips, spreading bark and painting fences. If you have any time to spare morning, afternoon or evening, we would love to see you. Don't come in good clothes, and if you have an old paint brush, please bring it with you.

We have had a major challenge in terms of getting rid of all the flood water from the boiler room. Tonight we solved the problem, when we smashed away the step into the boiler room. The step was meant to keep the water out. Instead it was actually trapping the water in the boiler room. A few blows from Martin and the step was in bits. Then the water began to flow out of the boiler room. We have solved the problem for the moment, but we will probably have to work out a better way of keeping the water from getting into the boiler room in the first place.

Friday, 12 August 2011


I'm grateful to the Fire Brigade for helping us out today. The boiler room was completely flooded as a result of the recent heavy rains.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

mission rescue holiday club

Over 40 kids are coming along every morning this week and taking part in our Holiday Club, Mission Rescue. It has been a great week so far, lots of fun with some great kids and an excellent team. Sunday morning will be our Holiday Club service where you will have the chance to see and experience some of the things we have been doing this week. I have attached a few photos, enjoy. Chris Watt.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

lighthouse garden

The rain is absolutely pouring down this morning, so it's great that we were able to get so much work done in the garden yesterday. On reflection, I have too much other work to do this week to properly organise the painting of the fence, so I'm going to aim for spending next Tuesday getting it done. I'll post some more details nearer the time, but if you are free at any time next Tuesday it would be great to have your company.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

lighthouse garden

I'm just in after a really positive day in the lighthouse garden. During the day, there were 10 volunteers who came to help. A big thank you to each one. We got all the weeding done, we got the area near the sheds strimmed, and we added a further ton of chips onto the path. The next jobs to do include taking some of the surplus items to the dump and painting the fence. If you're reading this and you can help with a trailer to the dump, could you email me at

If you would like to help with the painting of the fence, I will try and get the materials tomorrow with a view to getting it done (weather permitting) on Thursday from 9am. If you have an old paint brush which you could bring to use, that would be great. I'll try and buy some cheap ones to use as well.